Why Do Cats Like Milk? And Is It Good For Them?

Cats and milk: It’s a classic combination. But why do cats like milk so much? Is it because they’re just born suckers of dairy? Or is there something more to it? In this blog post, we’ll take a look at some of the reasons why cats love milk so much, the answer may surprise you.

3 Reasons Cats Like Milk


Milk is Delicious

There’s no denying that milk is delicious. It’s creamy, smooth, and just sweet enough. It’s the perfect drink to accompany a meal or to enjoy on its own. And cats are no exception, they love the taste of milk just as much as we do!

Milk is Soothing

Have you ever noticed that cats seemed to calm down after they had some milk? That’s because milk has a soothing effect on the body thanks to its high levels of lactose. Lactose is a type of sugar that helps to relax the muscles and nerves, which can be beneficial for cats who are feeling stressed or anxious.

Cats Associate Milk With Their Mothers

Many cats see milk as a comforting food because it reminds them of their mothers’ milk. When a kitten drinks milk, it feels safe, warm, and loved, just like when they were being nursed by their momma cat. This association can make drinking milk a very pleasurable experience for cats!

Why Milk Is Bad For Cats

When kittens grow up, they produce a large amount of an enzyme called lactase. Lactase is responsible for producing lactose in milk. As the kitten’s intake of the mother’s milk reduces, they begin to produce less lactase. In some cases, this develops into lactose intolerance.

The same can happen with humans as well, this is why a high percentage of people are lactose intolerant.

Not all cats are lactose intolerant. Some have still the ability to digest milk, even adult cats. Although not all cats will develop an allergy or intolerance, it’s best not to add milk to a cat’s diet.

If you want to give your cat milk, you can choose lactose-free milk or sugar-free yogurt. But don’t forget, don’t give your cat too much of these.

RELEVANT: Cat Milk Alternatives

Why do cats like milk?
Why do cats like milk?

Symptoms of Lactose Intolerance

  • Vomiting
  • An upset stomach
  • Diarrhea
  • Swelling

Symptoms of Lactose Allergy

  • Vomiting
  • Coughing
  • Difficulty with breathing
  • Red spots from itches

Is Cheese Bad For Cats?

Not all cats are affected so dramatically by the decrease of lactase. That’s why some cats can digest moderate amounts of dairy products such as cheese and yogurt.

But cheese is not part of a cat’s diet. Giving your cat cheese can give him an upset stomach. Cats are carnivores and are better off eating food that is part of their healthy diet.

Why do cats like cheese?

Can Kittens Drink Milk?

If you are taking care of an orphaned kitten, you should avoid cow’s milk. Its composition is different from that of cat milk and the kitten could suffer intestinal and stomach upsets.

The ideal food for kittens is breast milk from the mother. In the absence of the mother, the best replacement to feed kittens milk is an artificial formula sold in pet stores. Cat milk bought in grocery stores is not good enough. Also, milk should never be the only food in a kitten’s diet.

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How Can I Stop My Cat From Begging For Milk?

If your feline friend has taken up a recent habit of begging for milk, there are a few things you can do to put a stop to it. First, consider buying your cat its own mini fridge and stocking it with dairy products. This way, your cat can help itself whenever the urge strikes. Just kidding!

One approach is to simply stop giving them milk altogether. This may seem harsh, but it’s actually the best thing for them in the long run. If your cat is used to getting milk on a regular basis, then going cold turkey may be the only way to get them to kick the habit.

Of course, this approach may not be possible for everyone. Another option is to wean them off of milk by gradually reducing the amount you give them each day. This can be a difficult process, but it’s definitely worth it if it means breaking their milk addiction.

Why Do We Think Adult Cats Drink Milk?

Ever since we were young, our brains have been embedded with images of cats drinking milk and they were loving it too. Many cartoons are showing this as well. That’s why we think cats should drink milk now and then.

Give your Cat Water

Water is best for cats. Not only does it provide all the essential nutrients that cats need, but it is also calorie-free and low in sodium. Plus, it’s easy to clean and refill, making it the perfect option for busy cat owners.

So next time your cat gives you a thirsty look, reach for the water bowl instead of the Milk jug. Your cat will thank you for it.


Most cats like milk because it’s delicious and it reminds them of their mother’s milk. But it’s better not to give adult cats milk at all. Just because your cat seems to like milk, doesn’t mean it’s good for him. After all, we cat owners prefer to see our cats without health problems!