Why Do Cats Cover Their Face When They Sleep?

If you’ve ever noticed your cat sleeping with its face covered, you might have wondered why they do that. It turns out that there are a few reasons for this behavior. Find out why cats cover their face when they sleep below!

How Long Do Cats Sleep?

Cats are known for their love of napping, but just how much sleep do they need? It turns out that the amount of sleep a cat needs varies depending on its age and activity level. Kittens, for example, can spend up to 20 hours a day sleeping, while fully grown cats sleep for around 15 hours.

“Cats are connoisseurs of comfort.”

– James Herriot
Why Do Cats Cover Their Face When They Sleep?
Cat sleeping

Why Do Cats Cover Their Face When They Sleep?

To Keep Themselves Warm

One reason is that cats cover their faces when they sleep to keep themselves warm. Because it’s harder for cats to converse their core temperature, they need to preserve body heat whenever possible. Covering their face allows them to maintain their body temperature and stay warm.

In the wild, it is much harder for cats to retain heat. They need to spare their energy for hunting. Nowadays domestic cats don’t have that problem, but it’s simply one of their survival instincts.

A Sense of Security

Another reason why cats cover their face when they sleep is to protect themselves from predators. In the wild, cats are constantly on the lookout for predators.

When they’re asleep, they’re vulnerable and unable to defend themselves. Covering their face allows them to stay hidden and reduce the risk of being attacked. Cats curl into a ball to make them smaller for a lesser chance to be seen. Cats also have to habit of burying their face in a blanket or a laundry basket. This false sense of security gives your feline friend the idea he is safe, even if only his face is hidden.

Tip: Provide a comfortable and safe sleeping environment for your cat, such as a cozy bed or designated sleeping spot. This will help them feel secure and lessen the need to cover their face.

Statistic: A study conducted by researchers at the University of Lincoln found that cats who feel secure in their environment are more likely to exhibit relaxed sleeping positions, such as exposing their faces.

Blocking Out The Light

Unlike humans, cats tend to sleep during the day and hunt during the night. During the day, the light of the hot sun can beam directly into your cat’s face when they try to fall asleep. So to block the sunlight from going in their eyes, they cover it with their paws. So their options are sleeping with paws in front of their eyes or finding a dark room.

Tip: Create a calm and quiet sleeping environment for your cat by dimming the lights and reducing noise. This will help them feel more comfortable and lessen the need to cover their face.

Blocking Out The Noise

Most cats have amazing hearing. The slightest noise can wake them up. So if it’s a bit loud in your house, don’t be surprised when your cats hide and sleep with their paws on their face.

Why Do Cats Sleep On Their Backs?

It helps cats cool their body during sleep. If cats lay on a stomach in an open position they can get peaceful sleep, but this position is important to the cat to allow the body to cool.

If cats are in a sleeping position with their stomachs up exposing abdominal areas, it generally signifies they trust the human owners. When you see cats sleeping with their fur around tangled tails you know they want warmth.

Why do cats sleep on their backs
Why do cats sleep on their backs

Why Does My Cat Like To Sleep Around Me Or On Me?

Virtually all cats sleep in your home for the best reason possible: comfort, warmth, protection, safety, and affection.

  • Comfort: sometimes a cat sleeps in some unusual areas of a home, however, they typically prefer an extremely comfortable and warm place where they can lie down whenever they like.
  • Heat: cats love warm spots and if the temperature falls, they will stick around your back for the longest time.
  • Safety: Although cats may appear calm, they tend to remain alert and cautious. It is important that your cat is comfortable and that’s why a kitten can sleep near you or at your side of the bed.
Why Do Cats Cover Their Face When They Sleep?
Cat sleeping

What Kind Of Different Sleeping Positions Do Cats Have?

Cats generally prefer to lie down with their eyes closed or with paws underneath them in a relaxed position. The least common are the contortionists, the monorails, and lay at the edge of a piece. A cat twists its body for comfortable comfort to the point where contortionist positions are taken.

Cats who adopt such sleeping positions often want spotlights. If your pet looks like a pretzel when sleeping, make sure the place feels comfortable and relaxed. Monorails are the places in which the cat’s legs lie dangling down a staircase or on an armrest.

Why do cover cover their face when they sleep
Cat laying down

How Do Cats Sleep?

Most pet owners are really wondering about their cat’s sleep. They seem to sleep literally all the time! Let’s learn about the sleep habits of cats to better understand them.

RELEVANT: Why Did My Cat Stop Sleeping With Me?

Cats Don’t Sleep Deeply

Cat rest alternates between deep sleep and dozing. Experts explain that deep sleep typically lasts 5 to 10 minutes before the cat starts dozing again. Short naps allow cats to converse energy that they require, as they hunt for food and play are energy-intensive.

Cats Dream

Do cats make weird growling noises when they wake up? The cat’s dream is a little scary. Cats also have similar sleep stages as our own and often experience dreams during REM stages.

Bad Weather Makes Cats Sleep More

Are cats sleeping more during winter? Cats don’t get depressed during a storm or rainy day but cold weather demands more energy to maintain the cat’s body temperature. Generally, cats like to nap and keep their face hidden for a longer time so they don’t lose their energy and focus on other activities like feeding or grooming.

Tip: Provide your cat with a variety of bedding options, such as heated beds or cooling mats, to help them regulate their body temperature more effectively.

Cats Like To hide Their Face In Blankets

The cat’s tail is often used as a cover when sleeping. Nevertheless, some cats spend their face buried in blankets or your arms. If you’re lucky, a cat snuggles into your arm with the same affection. It shows your cat is so happy with your presence that it may let go of its guard.

Sensory Overload Management

Cats are highly sensitive to sensory stimuli, including light, sound, and touch. By covering their faces, they block out excessive sensory input that could disrupt their sleep. This behavior helps them create a quiet and dark environment, allowing them to fully unwind and recharge. It’s their way of managing sensory overload and ensuring a peaceful snooze.

Tip: Create a calm and quiet sleeping environment for your cat by dimming the lights and reducing noise. This will help them feel more comfortable and lessen the need to cover their face.

Statistic: According to a study published in the Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, cats who experience sensory overload during sleep are more likely to exhibit restlessness and sleep disturbances.


Cats are fascinating creatures with a myriad of unique behaviors and habits. The act of covering their faces while sleeping is just one of the intriguing aspects of their feline nature. By understanding the evolutionary, protective, and comforting reasons behind this behavior, we can better appreciate and nurture our bond with our beloved feline friends.

So, next time you catch your cat hiding its face during a nap, remember that it’s their way of finding security, peace, and comfort. Embrace their quirks and create a safe and cozy environment where they can truly be themselves. After all, cats are the masters of relaxation, and we can all learn a thing or two from their face-covering ritual.