Do Cats Understand Kisses?

If you are a die hard cat lover, you like to kiss your cat on the head when you come home from work. She will likely understand the gesture and reciprocate because she loves you! Cats can feel a lot of emotions. Read on to learn more about do cats understand kisses.

What do cats think when we kiss them?

When we kiss our cats, we might think that they’re tolerating our affection or that they don’t understand what’s going on. But what do cats think when we smooch them on the head?

One possibility is that cats see us as their mother or another caretaker figure. When we kiss them, they may think that we’re simply grooming them in the way that they groom their own young.

Another possibility is that cats see kissing as a sign of dominance. When we lean in to kiss them, we invade their personal space and assert our dominance over them.

7 signs your cat loves kisses

Your cat purrs when you kiss them.

This is a sure sign that your cat enjoys the affection you are showing them. They would likely hiss or try to avoid your kisses altogether if they didn’t like it.

Your cat leans into your kisses.

Cats are naturally curious creatures, so if they lean into your kisses, it means they’re interested in what’s going on. They want to know why you’re doing this and what the benefits are for them. So, just look at your cat’s body language!

Your cat closes their eyes when you kiss them.

This is a sign of ultimate trust and relaxation. When a cat does some subtle blinking or closes its eyes, it let its guard down and allows you to love them unconditionally.

Your cat gives you “kitty kisses” back.

When a cat licks your face, it’s their way of returning the favor and showing their affection for you. It’s also a sign of trust and respect.

Your cat rubs against you after you kiss them.

This is another sign of affection from your kitty. When they rub against you, a feline head bump, they mark you as theirs and claim you as a member of their family.

Your cat follows you around after you kiss them.

If your cat starts following you around and gives you some cat positive attention after you’ve kissed them, it means they enjoy the attention and want more of it! Just like when cats follow you around when you’re about to give them some cat food. They may even start meowing for kisses if they feel like they’re not getting enough love from you.

Your cat sleeps next to you after you kiss them goodnight.

Cats are very intuitive creatures and can sense when we need comfort or reassurance. If your kitty sleeps next to you after you’ve kissed them goodnight, it means they understand how important physical touch can be and want to provide that for you.

Sleeping cat
Sleeping Cat

5 signs your cat doesn’t love kisses

Your cat hisses or growls when you try to kiss them.

This is a clear sign that your cat does not want to be kissed and is getting agitated by your attempts. If your cat hisses or growls at you, it’s best to back off and give them some space.

Your cat turns their head away when you go in for a kiss.

This is another sign that your cat isn’t too fond of being kissed on the mouth. If your cat turns their head away from you, it’s best to respect their wishes and refrain from trying to kiss them.

Your cat swats at you when you try to kiss them.

This is yet another sign that your cat does not appreciate being kissed on the mouth. If your cat swats at you, it’s best to avoid kissing them and give them some space.

They squirm or try to escape

If your cat starts to squirm or try to escape when you go in for a kiss, they are probably not too fond of the idea.

Your cat tries to bite you when you go in for a kiss.

This is a definite sign that cats dislike being kissed and may even be feeling threatened by your attempts. If your cat tries to bite you, it’s best to avoid kissing them and give them some space.

Is it bad to kiss your cat on the lips?

Some people believe that it is perfectly safe to exchange a little kitty kiss, while others worry about the potential health risks. So what is the truth?

There is a very small chance you’ll get sick from a cats kiss on the lips. But it would be better to refrain from kissing your cat on the lips. All cat owners love their pets, but it’s a bit risky.

RELEVANT: Are Cats Ticklish?

Do cats know that you love them?

If you’ve ever tried to have a serious conversation with a cat, you know that they’re not exactly the most communicative creatures in the animal kingdom. They can be downright frustrating at times. Do they understand our love for them, do cats understand kisses?

According to some experts, the answer is actually yes. Cats are very attuned to their environment and the people in it, and they pick up on our cues, both verbal and nonverbal. So when we show them affection, they know that we care about them.

Of course, whether or not they reciprocate that feeling is another story entirely. But at least we can take comfort in knowing that our feline friends are aware of our love for them, even if they don’t always show it in the way we expect.

Cat on a chair
Cat on a chair

Is it okay to kiss my cat on the head?

While some cats enjoy a human kiss, others may not be so fond of the notion. It depends on your cat’s personality. If you have a particularly affectionate cat, it may enjoy a little nose-to-nose action. However, if your cat is more independent, it may prefer to keep its distance.

Do cats like hugs?

Some cats enjoy the attention and will purr contently when being held, while others prefer to keep their distance. When your cat tries to run or meows in a low tone, it’s better to stop hugging them…

How smart are cats?

Most cats are often associated with being clever, but just how smart are they? Some people believe that a cat is far more intelligent than we think.

For instance, recent research has shown that cats can remember the location of their food and retrieve it when they’re hungry. They can also remember which humans have been kind to them and which ones have been unkind.

In addition, many cats are experts at using body language and vocalizations to communicate their needs and desires to humans. So next time you think your cat is being stubborn, maybe they’re just trying to tell you something!

Do cats have a favorite person?

Cat parents everywhere are thrilled to learn that cats have a favorite family pet. When it comes to being the cat’s most loving person, you just have to take the time to care for her.

Because cats choose the best humans depending upon whom they love the most. Pretty intelligent. Kittens can observe people and store valuable information to be used later.

When a pet sees your attention and care as the most important person to care for, it becomes more accustomed to you. They are aware that care is needed and send it out to their favorite people.

Cat watching


Just like we do when we give our partners a kiss, cats may interpret the gesture as meaning that we care for them and want to show them our affection.

So if you’re a cat lover, go ahead and smooch your kitty, she’ll probably love it! Has your cat ever done anything cute in response to your kisses? Let us know in the comments!